There's A New Trainer In Town

The following comes from an interview between Kyler Blades and new trainer Jess Poe!

     KB: How did you get into strength & conditioning?

JP: About 3 years post high school I was introduced to weights. I had always wanted to get into fitness but I was always afraid to step a foot into the weight room. Luckily, I had someone show me the ins and outs of lifting, proper form and how to be confident in the weight area. I saw the effects of training with weight vs only cardio exercise and I was hooked. Lifting heavy is my absolute favorite thing to do in the gym. 

     KB: What do you like to do in your free time?


JP: I live in an active outdoorsy town so I’m always doing something outside. Hiking is my favorite outdoor activity. I’m also pursuing my degree in psychology & communication through University of Idaho.

     KB: What are some goals you have reached and ones you hope to reach in the future?

JP: Fitness goals - my current max squat is 275lbs which is a goal I wanted to hit for a while! Next will be 300lbs. I’m currently training for a figure competition in April and I’m anticipating getting top 3 in my class. A non-fitness goal I have is to complete my bachelors degree. I’ve worked a full time job for the last 5 years which has made it tough to go to school, but I’m close to finishing!

     KB: What made you want to become a part of the BladesAPA team?

JP: I’ve been wanting to pursue my fitness passion for a while now, I just didn’t have the avenue or resources to do so. Blades APA stands for a lot of great things that I believe in so, when Kyler asked me about being a coach, I felt it would be a perfect way to reach people I want to impact as a personal trainer. 

     KB: What population do you enjoy working with most? Why?

JP: I really have a connection with women although I absolutely love building relationships and coaching anyone with a desire to learn more and improve their health, fitness, and performance. As a female, I’ve had to overcome a lot of set backs in the fitness realm such as poor self image, eating disorders, and the skewed idea of what happens to women when they lift weights. So because of my personal experience and victories, I relate to women on a compassionate, personal level. 

     KB: Who are some people you look up to?

JP: My two sisters have always inspired me to push into my fitness passion. We have all been active our whole lives and watching them conquer their goals excites me about mine. We conquer together. I am also extremely inspired by my fiancé who, despite his medical set back (nail-patella syndrome: makes it harder than normal to gain/retain muscle), he puts in the hard work and fights for his fitness goals all while supporting me in mine. 


KB: Favorite post-workout meal?

JP: PASTA! I usually have chicken and pasta and veggies post workout. Of course I switch it up to keep things exciting, but give me some whole wheat penne and I’m set. 

     KB: Where does your motivation come from?

JP: I fear stagnation. I do not enjoy a sedentary mindset or lifestyle. My motivation comes from the desire to always keep progressing and celebrating any small victory along the way. 

     KB: What does the future hold for you in the strength and conditioning field?  

JP: I am going to continue on past my personal training certification. My desire is to expand my education and experience so that I can positively impact my clients with the best coaching experience possible.